<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Import.SDK" Version="24000.1.0" />


Namespace with 19 public types


 HttpServiceException The exception thrown when call to Http server failed (e.g. WebApi or Kepler). This class cannot be inherited.
 ImportExportException The exception thrown when a serious import or export error occurs. This represents a common base exception type for import and export workflows.
 JwtAuthToken It represents Relativity token claims.
 RelativityInstanceInfo Represents a class object that contains the Relativity instance information. This class cannot be inherited.
 RelativityNotSupportedException The exception thrown when attempting to import or export with an unsupported Relativity instance.
 TempDirectory2 Represents a disposable temporary directory class object. This class cannot be inherited.
 Timekeeper2 Represents a class object that tracks operational metrics. This class cannot be inherited.
 TimekeeperEntry2 Represents a single entry stored within that contains metric information. This class cannot be inherited.
 ValidatedNotNullAttribute This class informs FxCop that the argument passed in, is checked for null. This means we do not need to disable warnings manually everywhere.
 WebApiCredential It represents the credential specific data that will be passed to Tapi.

Static Classes

 AppSettings Defines static properties to obtain application settings.
 TaskExtensions Represents extension methods for common task operations.


 IApplicationVersionService Represents abstract object that retrieve Relativity and import/export WebAPI version information.
 IAppSettings Represents an abstract object that provides thread-safe general import/export application settings.
 IImportExportCompatibilityCheck Represents an abstract object to perform compatibility checks between the client API and Relativity.
 IRelativityTokenProvider Provides method to obtain valid Relativity authentication access token.
 IRunningContext Contains information about the context in which jobs are executed.
 IWaitAndRetryPolicy Represents an abstract object to support resiliency and retry policies.