<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Kepler" Version="2.23.1" />


public class OutputWindowLogger : ILog
Sends simple log messages to the Output window in Visual Studio. Only works when the code is built in debug.

public ILog ForContext(Type source)

Not implemented.

public ILog ForContext(string propertyName, object value, bool destructureObjects)

Not implemented.

public ILog ForContext<T>()

Not implemented.

public IDisposable LogContextPushProperty(string propertyName, object obj)

Not implemented.

public void LogDebug(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogDebug(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogError(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogError(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogFatal(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogFatal(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogInformation(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogInformation(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogVerbose(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogVerbose(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogWarning(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window

public void LogWarning(Exception exception, string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Logs to the Output window