<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Kepler" Version="2.23.1" />


public interface IPerformanceLog

Adds the full name of Type T to the log information.

Adds the full name of the source's Type to the log information.

IPerformanceLog ForContext(string propertyName, object value, bool destructureObjects)

Adds the value object with the propertyName to the log information. DestructureObjects false will T

Returns true if Performance Logging is enabled.

IDisposable LogContextPushProperty(string propertyName, object obj)

Adds the obj data with the propertyName to the log information of all logs that happen within a using statement. In this C# example any loggers within the MethodThatLogs() method will have the PushProperty "User". using (var pushLogger = _logger.LogContextPushProperty("User", user)) { MethodThatLogs(); }

void LogInformation(string messageTemplate, object[] propertyValues)

Log the message as Information.