<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.3.2" />


public class TestSuite : Test
TestSuite represents a composite test, which contains other tests.
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(1)] [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(0)] public class TestSuite : Test { private readonly List<ITest> _tests = new List<ITest>(); public override IList<ITest> Tests => _tests; public override int TestCaseCount { get { int num = 0; IList<ITest> tests = Tests; for (int i = 0; i < tests.Count; i++) { num += tests[i].TestCaseCount; } return num; } } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 2 })] [field: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 2 })] public override object[] Arguments { [return: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(new byte[] { 1, 2 })] get; } protected bool MaintainTestOrder { get; set; } public IMethodInfo[] OneTimeSetUpMethods { get; set; } public IMethodInfo[] OneTimeTearDownMethods { get; set; } public override bool HasChildren => _tests.Count > 0; public override string XmlElementName => "test-suite"; public TestSuite(string name) : base(name) { Arguments = TestParameters.NoArguments; OneTimeSetUpMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); OneTimeTearDownMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); } public TestSuite([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(2)] string parentSuiteName, string name) : base(parentSuiteName, name) { Arguments = TestParameters.NoArguments; OneTimeSetUpMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); OneTimeTearDownMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); } public TestSuite(ITypeInfo fixtureType, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(2)] object[] arguments = null) : base(fixtureType) { Arguments = (arguments ?? TestParameters.NoArguments); OneTimeSetUpMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); OneTimeTearDownMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); } public TestSuite(Type fixtureType) : base(new TypeWrapper(fixtureType)) { Arguments = TestParameters.NoArguments; OneTimeSetUpMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); OneTimeTearDownMethods = Array.Empty<IMethodInfo>(); } public TestSuite(TestSuite suite, ITestFilter filter) : this(suite.Name) { base.FullName = suite.FullName; base.Method = suite.Method; base.RunState = suite.RunState; Fixture = suite.Fixture; foreach (string key in suite.Properties.Keys) { foreach (object item in suite.Properties[key]) { base.Properties.Add(key, item); } } foreach (ITest test in suite._tests) { if (filter.Pass(test)) { if (test.IsSuite) { TestSuite testSuite = ((TestSuite)test).Copy(filter); testSuite.Parent = this; _tests.Add(testSuite); } else _tests.Add(test); } } } public void Sort() { if (!MaintainTestOrder) { _tests.Sort(); foreach (Test test in Tests) { (test as TestSuite)?.Sort(); } } } public void Add(Test test) { test.Parent = this; _tests.Add(test); } public virtual TestSuite Copy(ITestFilter filter) { return new TestSuite(this, filter); } public void ApplyAttributesToTestSuite(Type type) { foreach (Type item in GetNestedTypes(type).Reverse()) { ApplyAttributesToTestSuite((ICustomAttributeProvider)item); } } private void ApplyAttributesToTestSuite(ICustomAttributeProvider provider) { IApplyToTestSuite[] attributes = provider.GetAttributes<IApplyToTestSuite>(true); ApplyAttributesToTestSuite(attributes); } private void ApplyAttributesToTestSuite(IEnumerable<IApplyToTestSuite> attributes) { foreach (IApplyToTestSuite attribute in attributes) { attribute.ApplyToTestSuite(this); } } public override TestResult MakeTestResult() { return new TestSuiteResult(this); } public override TNode AddToXml(TNode parentNode, bool recursive) { TNode tNode = parentNode.AddElement("test-suite"); tNode.AddAttribute("type", TestType); PopulateTestNode(tNode, recursive); tNode.AddAttribute("testcasecount", TestCaseCount.ToString()); if (recursive) { IList<ITest> tests = Tests; for (int i = 0; i < tests.Count; i++) { ITest test = tests[i]; test.AddToXml(tNode, recursive); } } return tNode; } protected void CheckSetUpTearDownMethods(IMethodInfo[] methods) { foreach (IMethodInfo methodInfo in methods) { MethodInfoCache.TestMethodMetadata testMethodMetadata = MethodInfoCache.Get(methodInfo); if (methodInfo.IsAbstract) MakeInvalid("An abstract SetUp and TearDown methods cannot be run: " + methodInfo.Name); else if (!methodInfo.IsPublic && !methodInfo.MethodInfo.IsFamily) { MakeInvalid("SetUp and TearDown methods must be public or protected: " + methodInfo.Name); } else if (testMethodMetadata.Parameters.Length != 0) { MakeInvalid("SetUp and TearDown methods must not have parameters: " + methodInfo.Name); } else if (testMethodMetadata.IsAsyncOperation) { if (methodInfo.ReturnType.Type == typeof(void)) MakeInvalid("SetUp and TearDown methods must not be async void: " + methodInfo.Name); else if (!Reflect.IsVoidOrUnit(AwaitAdapter.GetResultType(methodInfo.ReturnType.Type))) { MakeInvalid("SetUp and TearDown methods must return void or an awaitable type with a void result: " + methodInfo.Name); } } else if (!testMethodMetadata.IsVoidOrUnit) { MakeInvalid("SetUp and TearDown methods must return void or an awaitable type with a void result: " + methodInfo.Name); } } } } }