<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.3.2" />


public class PlatformHelper
PlatformHelper class is used by the PlatformAttribute class to determine whether a platform is supported.
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(1)] [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(0)] public class PlatformHelper { private readonly OSPlatform _os; private readonly RuntimeFramework _rt; private const string CommonOSPlatforms = "Win,Win32,Win32S,Win32NT,Win32Windows,Win95,Win98,WinMe,NT3,NT4,NT5,NT6,Win2008Server,Win2008ServerR2,Win2012Server,Win2012ServerR2,Win2K,WinXP,Win2003Server,Vista,Win7,Windows7,Win8,Windows8,Win8.1,Windows8.1,Win10,Windows10,Win11,Windows11,WindowsServer10,Unix,Linux"; public const string OSPlatforms = "Win,Win32,Win32S,Win32NT,Win32Windows,Win95,Win98,WinMe,NT3,NT4,NT5,NT6,Win2008Server,Win2008ServerR2,Win2012Server,Win2012ServerR2,Win2K,WinXP,Win2003Server,Vista,Win7,Windows7,Win8,Windows8,Win8.1,Windows8.1,Win10,Windows10,Win11,Windows11,WindowsServer10,Unix,Linux,Xbox,MacOSX"; public static readonly string RuntimePlatforms = "Net,NetCore,SSCLI,Rotor,Mono,MonoTouch"; public string Reason { get; set; } = string.Empty; public PlatformHelper() { _os = OSPlatform.CurrentPlatform; _rt = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework; } public PlatformHelper(OSPlatform os, RuntimeFramework rt) { _os = os; _rt = rt; } public bool IsPlatformSupported(string[] platforms) { return platforms.Any(IsPlatformSupported); } public bool IsPlatformSupported(PlatformAttribute platformAttribute) { string include = platformAttribute.Include; string exclude = platformAttribute.Exclude; return IsPlatformSupported(include, exclude); } public bool IsPlatformSupported(TestCaseAttribute testCaseAttribute) { string includePlatform = testCaseAttribute.IncludePlatform; string excludePlatform = testCaseAttribute.ExcludePlatform; return IsPlatformSupported(includePlatform, excludePlatform); } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(2)] private bool IsPlatformSupported(string include, string exclude) { if (include != null && !IsPlatformSupported(include)) { Reason = "Only supported on " + include; return false; } if (exclude != null && IsPlatformSupported(exclude)) { Reason = "Not supported on " + exclude; return false; } return true; } public bool IsPlatformSupported(string platform) { if (platform.IndexOf(',') >= 0) return IsPlatformSupported(platform.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.None)); string text = platform.Trim(); string text2 = text.ToUpper(); if (text2 != null) { switch (text2.Length) { case 3: break; case 5: goto IL_00a8; case 6: goto IL_011c; case 13: goto IL_0159; case 15: goto IL_0182; case 4: goto IL_01ab; case 8: goto IL_01d3; case 9: goto IL_01f3; case 14: goto IL_021c; case 12: goto IL_03db; case 7: goto IL_03f0; case 10: goto IL_04fc; default: goto IL_078a; } switch (text2[2]) { case 'N': break; case '3': goto IL_0251; case '4': goto IL_0266; case '5': goto IL_027b; case '6': goto IL_0290; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "WIN") goto IL_058a; } goto IL_078a; IL_027b: if (!(text2 == "NT5")) goto IL_078a; bool flag = _os.IsNT5; goto IL_0792; IL_00a8: switch (text2[4]) { case '2': break; case '5': goto IL_02ba; case '8': goto IL_02cf; case 'E': goto IL_02e4; case 'K': goto IL_02f9; case 'P': goto IL_030e; case 'A': goto IL_0323; case '0': goto IL_0338; case '1': goto IL_034d; case 'X': goto IL_0362; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "WIN32") goto IL_058a; goto IL_078a; IL_02e4: if (!(text2 == "WINME")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWinME; goto IL_0792; IL_0182: switch (text2[5]) { case '0': break; case '1': goto IL_0459; case 'W': goto IL_046e; default: goto IL_078a; } if (!(text2 == "WIN2008SERVERR2")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin2008ServerR2; goto IL_0792; IL_046e: if (!(text2 == "WINDOWSSERVER10")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWindowsServer10; goto IL_0792; IL_0251: if (!(text2 == "NT3")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsNT3; goto IL_0792; IL_0459: if (!(text2 == "WIN2012SERVERR2")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin2012ServerR2; goto IL_0792; IL_078a: flag = IsRuntimeSupported(text); goto IL_0792; IL_01ab: switch (text2[0]) { case 'W': break; case 'U': goto IL_04a8; case 'X': goto IL_04bd; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "WIN7") goto IL_06dd; if (text2 == "WIN8") goto IL_06ee; goto IL_078a; IL_04bd: if (!(text2 == "XBOX")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsXbox; goto IL_0792; IL_021c: switch (text2[0]) { case '6': break; case '3': goto IL_0575; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "64-BIT-PROCESS") goto IL_0764; goto IL_078a; IL_034d: if (text2 == "WIN11") goto IL_071e; goto IL_078a; IL_0575: if (text2 == "32-BIT-PROCESS") goto IL_076c; goto IL_078a; IL_0159: switch (text2[6]) { case '3': break; case '8': goto IL_041a; case '2': goto IL_042f; default: goto IL_078a; } if (!(text2 == "WIN2003SERVER")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin2003Server; goto IL_0792; IL_041a: if (!(text2 == "WIN2008SERVER")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin2008Server; goto IL_0792; IL_0323: if (!(text2 == "VISTA")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsVista; goto IL_0792; IL_02f9: if (!(text2 == "WIN2K")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin2K; goto IL_0792; IL_06ee: flag = _os.IsWindows8; goto IL_0792; IL_042f: if (!(text2 == "WIN2012SERVER")) goto IL_078a; flag = (_os.IsWin2012ServerR1 || _os.IsWin2012ServerR2); goto IL_0792; IL_06dd: flag = _os.IsWindows7; goto IL_0792; IL_073a: flag = _os.IsUnix; goto IL_0792; IL_02ba: if (!(text2 == "WIN95")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin95; goto IL_0792; IL_04a8: if (text2 == "UNIX") goto IL_073a; goto IL_078a; IL_03db: if (!(text2 == "WIN32WINDOWS")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin32Windows; goto IL_0792; IL_02cf: if (!(text2 == "WIN98")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin98; goto IL_0792; IL_04fc: if (text2 == "WINDOWS8.1") goto IL_06ff; goto IL_078a; IL_01f3: switch (text2[0]) { case 'W': break; case '6': goto IL_0536; case '3': goto IL_054b; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "WINDOWS10") goto IL_0710; if (text2 == "WINDOWS11") goto IL_071e; goto IL_078a; IL_071e: flag = _os.IsWindows11; goto IL_0792; IL_0338: if (text2 == "WIN10") goto IL_0710; goto IL_078a; IL_0536: if (!(text2 == "64-BIT-OS")) goto IL_078a; flag = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem; goto IL_0792; IL_0362: if (text2 == "LINUX") goto IL_073a; goto IL_078a; IL_054b: if (!(text2 == "32-BIT-OS")) goto IL_078a; flag = !Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem; goto IL_0792; IL_0710: flag = _os.IsWindows10; goto IL_0792; IL_01d3: switch (text2[7]) { case '7': break; case '8': goto IL_04e7; default: goto IL_078a; } if (text2 == "WINDOWS7") goto IL_06dd; goto IL_078a; IL_04e7: if (text2 == "WINDOWS8") goto IL_06ee; goto IL_078a; IL_030e: if (!(text2 == "WINXP")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWinXP; goto IL_0792; IL_03f0: if (!(text2 == "WIN32NT")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsWin32NT; goto IL_0792; IL_0792: if (!flag) Reason = "Only supported on " + platform; return flag; IL_011c: switch (text2[0]) { case 'W': break; case 'M': goto IL_039c; case '6': goto IL_03b1; case '3': goto IL_03c6; default: goto IL_078a; } if (!(text2 == "WIN32S")) { if (text2 == "WIN8.1") goto IL_06ff; goto IL_078a; } flag = _os.IsWin32S; goto IL_0792; IL_03b1: if (text2 == "64-BIT") goto IL_0764; goto IL_078a; IL_0764: flag = Environment.Is64BitProcess; goto IL_0792; IL_03c6: if (text2 == "32-BIT") goto IL_076c; goto IL_078a; IL_076c: flag = !Environment.Is64BitProcess; goto IL_0792; IL_058a: flag = _os.IsWindows; goto IL_0792; IL_0290: if (!(text2 == "NT6")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsNT6; goto IL_0792; IL_06ff: flag = _os.IsWindows81; goto IL_0792; IL_0266: if (!(text2 == "NT4")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsNT4; goto IL_0792; IL_039c: if (!(text2 == "MACOSX")) goto IL_078a; flag = _os.IsMacOSX; goto IL_0792; } private bool IsRuntimeSupported(string platformName) { string versionSpecification = null; string[] array = platformName.Split('-', StringSplitOptions.None); if (array.Length == 2) { platformName = array[0]; versionSpecification = array[1]; } switch (platformName.ToUpper()) { case "NET": return IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType.NetFramework, versionSpecification); case "NETCORE": return IsNetCoreRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType.NetCore, versionSpecification); case "SSCLI": case "ROTOR": return IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType.SSCLI, versionSpecification); case "MONO": return IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType.Mono, versionSpecification); case "MONOTOUCH": return IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType.MonoTouch, versionSpecification); default: throw new InvalidPlatformException("Invalid platform name: " + platformName); } } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(2)] private bool IsRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType runtime, string versionSpecification) { Version version = (versionSpecification == null) ? RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion : new Version(versionSpecification); RuntimeFramework target = new RuntimeFramework(runtime, version); return _rt.Supports(target); } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(2)] private bool IsNetCoreRuntimeSupported(RuntimeType runtime, string versionSpecification) { if (versionSpecification != null) { DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler defaultInterpolatedStringHandler = new DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler(52, 2); defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendLiteral("Detecting versions of .NET Core is not supported - "); defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(runtime); defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendLiteral("-"); defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(versionSpecification); throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()); } RuntimeFramework target = new RuntimeFramework(runtime, RuntimeFramework.DefaultVersion); return _rt.Supports(target); } } }