A low-level implementation of the Ed25519, Ed25519ctx, and Ed25519ph instantiations of the Edwards-Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm specified in RFC 8032.
public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] ctx, IDigest ph, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static void SignPrehash(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, IDigest ph, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen)
public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen)
public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen)
public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen)
public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff)
public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, byte[] ph, int phOff)
public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, IDigest ph)
public static bool VerifyPrehash(byte[] sig, int sigOff, PublicPoint publicPoint, byte[] ctx, IDigest ph)