<PackageReference Include="BouncyCastle.Cryptography" Version="2.4.0" />


Namespace with 60 public types


 DataLengthException This exception is thrown if a buffer that is meant to have output copied into it turns out to be too short, or if we've been given insufficient input.
 InvalidCipherTextException This exception is thrown whenever we find something we don't expect in a message.
 MaxBytesExceededException This exception is thrown whenever a cipher requires a change of key, IV or similar after x amount of bytes enciphered.
 SimpleBlockResult A simple block result object which just carries a byte array.

Static Classes


Abstract Classes



 IBlockResult Operators that reduce their input to a single block return an object of this type.
 ICipher Base interface for a ciphers that do not require data to be block aligned. Note: In cases where the underlying algorithm is block based, these ciphers may add or remove padding as needed.
 ICipherBuilder Base interface for cipher builders.
 ICipherBuilderWithKey A cipher builder that can also return the key it was initialized with.
 IDecryptorBuilderProvider Interface describing a provider of cipher builders for creating decrypting ciphers.
 IDerivationFunction Base interface for general purpose byte derivation functions.
 IDigestFactory Base interface for operator factories that create stream-based digest calculators.
 IDsa Interface for classes implementing the Digital Signature Algorithm
 IEntropySource Base interface describing an entropy source for a DRBG.
 IEntropySourceProvider Base interface describing a provider of entropy sources.
 IKeyUnwrapper Base interface for a key unwrapper.
 IKeyWrapper Base interface for a key wrapper.
 IMac The base interface for implementations of message authentication codes (MACs).
 ISignatureFactory Base interface for operators that serve as stream-based signature calculators.
 IStreamCalculator`1 Base interface for cryptographic operations such as Hashes, MACs, and Signatures which reduce a stream of data to a single value.
 IStreamCipher The interface stream ciphers conform to.
 IVerifier Operators that reduce their input to the validation of a signature produce this type.
 IVerifierFactory Base interface for operators that serve as stream-based signature verifiers.
 IVerifierFactoryProvider Base interface for a provider to support the dynamic creation of signature verifiers.