Primitives needed for a J-PAKE exchange.
The recommended way to perform a J-PAKE exchange is by using
two JPAKEParticipants. Internally, those participants
call these primitive operations in JPakeUtilities.
The primitives, however, can be used without a JPAKEParticipant if needed.
protected JPakeUtilities()
Calculate A as done in round 2.
Calculate ga as done in round 2.
Calculate g^x mod p as done in round 1.
public static BigInteger CalculateKeyingMaterial(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger gx4, BigInteger x2, BigInteger s, BigInteger B)
Calculates the keying material, which can be done after round 2 has completed.
A session key must be derived from this key material using a secure key derivation function (KDF).
The KDF used to derive the key is handled externally (i.e. not by JPAKEParticipant).
KeyingMaterial = (B/g^{x2*x4*s})^x2
public static BigInteger CalculateMacTag(string participantId, string partnerParticipantId, BigInteger gx1, BigInteger gx2, BigInteger gx3, BigInteger gx4, BigInteger keyingMaterial, IDigest digest)
Calculates the MacTag (to be used for key confirmation), as defined by
NIST SP 800-56A Revision 1,
Section 8.2 Unilateral Key Confirmation for Key Agreement Schemes.
MacTag = HMAC(MacKey, MacLen, MacData)
MacKey = H(K || "JPAKE_KC")
MacData = "KC_1_U" || participantId || partnerParticipantId || gx1 || gx2 || gx3 || gx4
Note that both participants use "KC_1_U" because the sender of the round 3 message
is always the initiator for key confirmation.
HMAC = {@link HMac} used with the given {@link Digest}
H = The given {@link Digest}
MacLen = length of MacTag
Converts the given password to a BigInteger
for use in arithmetic calculations.
Converts the given password to a BigInteger mod q.
Converts the given password (UTF8 encoded) to a BigInteger mod q.
Calculate x2 * s as done in round 2.
public static BigInteger[] CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, BigInteger gx, BigInteger x, string participantId, IDigest digest, SecureRandom random)
Calculate a zero knowledge proof of x using Schnorr's signature.
The returned array has two elements {g^v, r = v-x*h} for x.
Return a value that can be used as x1 or x3 during round 1.
The returned value is a random value in the range [0, q-1].
Return a value that can be used as x2 or x4 during round 1.
The returned value is a random value in the range [1, q-1].
Validates that ga is not 1.
As described by Feng Hao...
Alice could simply check ga != 1 to ensure it is a generator.
In fact, as we will explain in Section 3, (x1 + x3 + x4 ) is random over Zq even in the face of active attacks.
Hence, the probability for ga = 1 is extremely small - on the order of 2^160 for 160-bit q.
throws CryptoException if ga is 1
Validates that g^x4 is not 1.
throws CryptoException if g^x4 is 1
public static void ValidateMacTag(string participantId, string partnerParticipantId, BigInteger gx1, BigInteger gx2, BigInteger gx3, BigInteger gx4, BigInteger keyingMaterial, IDigest digest, BigInteger partnerMacTag)
Validates the MacTag received from the partner participant.
throws CryptoException if the participantId strings are equal.
Validates that the given object is not null.
throws NullReferenceException if the object is null.
Validates that the given participant ids are not equal.
(For the J-PAKE exchange, each participant must use a unique id.)
Throws CryptoException if the participantId strings are equal.
public static void ValidateParticipantIdsEqual(string expectedParticipantId, string actualParticipantId)
Validates that the given participant ids are equal.
This is used to ensure that the payloads received from
each round all come from the same participant.
public static void ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, BigInteger gx, BigInteger[] zeroKnowledgeProof, string participantId, IDigest digest)
Validates the zero knowledge proof (generated by
calculateZeroKnowledgeProof(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, string, Digest, SecureRandom)
is correct.
throws CryptoException if the zero knowledge proof is not correct