Return whether or not this request has control values associated with it.
Return whether or not this request message has a proof-of-possession field in it.
Return whether or not the proof-of-possession (POP) is of the type popSigningKey and
it has a public key MAC associated with it.
Return the type of the proof-of-possession this request message provides.
Create a CertificateRequestMessage from the passed in bytes.
Return the certificate request ID for this message.
Return the certificate template contained in this message.
Return a control value of the specified type.
Return the ASN.1 encoding of the certReqMsg we wrap.
Return whether or not this request has a specific type of control value.
Return whether or not a signing key proof-of-possession (POP) is valid.
public bool IsValidSigningKeyPop(IVerifierFactoryProvider verifierProvider, PKMacBuilder macBuilder, char[] password)
Return whether or not a signing key proof-of-possession (POP), with an associated PKMAC, is valid.
Return the underlying ASN.1 object defining this CertificateRequestMessage object.