<PackageReference Include="BouncyCastle.Cryptography" Version="2.4.0" />


public class PgpPublicKeyRing : PgpKeyRing
public PgpPublicKeyRing(byte[] encoding)

public PgpPublicKeyRing(Stream inputStream)

Returns a new key ring with the public key passed in either added or replacing an existing one.

public static PgpPublicKeyRing Join(PgpPublicKeyRing first, PgpPublicKeyRing second, bool joinTrustPackets, bool allowSubkeySigsOnNonSubkey)

Returns a new key ring with the public key passed in removed from the key ring.

public virtual void Encode(Stream outStr)

public virtual byte[] GetEncoded()

public virtual PgpPublicKey GetPublicKey()

Return the first public key in the ring.

public virtual PgpPublicKey GetPublicKey(long keyId)

Return the public key referred to by the passed in key ID if it is present.

public virtual PgpPublicKey GetPublicKey(byte[] fingerprint)

Return the public key with the passed in fingerprint if it is present.

Allows enumeration of all the public keys.