<PackageReference Include="System.Xml.XmlDocument" Version="4.0.1-beta-23409" />


Namespace with 21 public types


 XmlAttribute Represents an attribute. Valid and default values for the attribute are defined in a document type definition (DTD) or schema.
 XmlAttributeCollection Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index.
 XmlCDataSection Represents a CDATA section.
 XmlComment Represents the content of an XML comment.
 XmlDeclaration Represents the XML declaration node <?xml version='1.0'...?>.
 XmlDocument Represents an XML document.For more information, see the Remarks section.
 XmlDocumentFragment Represents a lightweight object that is useful for tree insert operations.
 XmlElement Represents an element.
 XmlImplementation Defines the context for a set of objects.
 XmlNamedNodeMap Represents a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name or index.
 XmlNodeChangedEventArgs Provides data for the , , , , and events.
 XmlProcessingInstruction Represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
 XmlSignificantWhitespace Represents white space between markup in a mixed content node or white space within an xml:space= 'preserve' scope. This is also referred to as significant white space.
 XmlText Represents the text content of an element or attribute.
 XmlWhitespace Represents white space in element content.


 XmlNodeChangedAction Specifies the type of node change.

Abstract Classes

 XmlCharacterData Provides text manipulation methods that are used by several classes.
 XmlLinkedNode Gets the node immediately preceding or following this node.
 XmlNode Represents a single node in the XML document.
 XmlNodeList Represents an ordered collection of nodes.