<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="9.0.3" />


public abstract class JsonParameterInfo
Provides JSON serialization-related metadata about a constructor parameter.

Gets a custom attribute provider for the current parameter.

public Type DeclaringType { get; }

Gets the declaring type of the constructor.

public object DefaultValue { get; }

Gets a value indicating the default value if the parameter has a default value.

public bool HasDefaultValue { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the parameter has a default value.

public bool IsMemberInitializer { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the parameter represents a required or init-only member initializer.

public bool IsNullable { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the constructor parameter is annotated as nullable.

public string Name { get; }

Gets the name of the parameter.

public Type ParameterType { get; }

Gets the type of this parameter.

public int Position { get; }

Gets the zero-based position of the parameter in the formal parameter list.