Instructs the System.Text.Json source generator to assume the specified options will be used at run time via JsonSerializerOptions.
Specifies the default value of AllowOutOfOrderMetadataProperties when set.
Gets or sets the default value of AllowTrailingCommas.
Gets or sets the default value of Converters.
Gets or sets the default value of DefaultBufferSize.
Gets or sets the default ignore condition.
Gets or sets the default value of DictionaryKeyPolicy.
Gets or sets the source generation mode for types that don't explicitly set the mode with GenerationMode.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore read-only fields.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore read-only properties.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include fields for serialization and deserialization.
Specifies the default value of IndentCharacter when set.
Specifies the default value of IndentCharacter when set.
Gets or sets the default value of MaxDepth.
Specifies the default value of NewLine when set.
Gets or sets the default value of NumberHandling.
Gets or sets the default value of PreferredObjectCreationHandling.
Gets or sets the default value of PropertyNameCaseInsensitive.
Gets or sets a built-in naming policy to convert JSON property names with.
Gets or sets the default value of ReadCommentHandling.
Specifies the default value of RespectNullableAnnotations when set.
Specifies the default value of RespectRequiredConstructorParameters when set.
Gets or sets the default value of UnknownTypeHandling.
Gets or sets the default value of UnmappedMemberHandling.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the source generator defaults to JsonStringEnumConverter instead of numeric serialization for all enum types encountered in its type graph.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether JSON output is pretty-printed.
public JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute()
Initializes a new instance of JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute.
Constructs a new JsonSourceGenerationOptionsAttribute instance with a predefined set of options determined by the specified JsonSerializerDefaults.