<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="9.0.1" />


Namespace with 15 public types


 DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver Defines the default, reflection-based JSON contract resolver used by System.Text.Json.
 JsonCollectionInfoValues`1 Provides serialization metadata about a collection type.
 JsonObjectInfoValues`1 Provides serialization metadata about an object type with constructors, properties, and fields.
 JsonParameterInfoValues Provides information about a constructor parameter required for JSON deserialization.
 JsonPolymorphismOptions Defines polymorphic configuration for a specified base type.
 JsonPropertyInfoValues`1 Provides serialization metadata about a property or field.
 JsonTypeInfo`1 Provides JSON serialization-related metadata about a type.


 JsonDerivedType Represents a supported derived type defined in the metadata of a polymorphic type.


 JsonTypeInfoKind Describes the kind of contract metadata a specifies.

Static Classes

 JsonMetadataServices Provides helpers to create and initialize metadata for JSON-serializable types.
 JsonTypeInfoResolver Contains utilities and combinators acting on .

Abstract Classes

 JsonParameterInfo Provides JSON serialization-related metadata about a constructor parameter.
 JsonPropertyInfo Provides JSON serialization-related metadata about a property or field.
 JsonTypeInfo Provides JSON serialization-related metadata about a type.


 IJsonTypeInfoResolver Used to resolve the JSON serialization contract for requested types.