public class IdentityReferenceCollection : ICollection<IdentityReference>, IEnumerable<IdentityReference>, IEnumerable
Represents a collection of IdentityReference objects and provides a means of converting sets of IdentityReference-derived objects to IdentityReference-derived types.
Gets the number of items in the IdentityReferenceCollection collection.
Sets or gets the node at the specified index of the IdentityReferenceCollection collection.
public IdentityReferenceCollection()
Initializes a new instance of the IdentityReferenceCollection class with zero items in the collection.
Initializes a new instance of the IdentityReferenceCollection class by using the specified initial size.
Adds an IdentityReference object to the IdentityReferenceCollection collection.
Clears all IdentityReference objects from the IdentityReferenceCollection collection.
Indicates whether the IdentityReferenceCollection collection contains the specified IdentityReference object.
Copies the IdentityReferenceCollection collection to an IdentityReferenceCollection array, starting at the specified index.
Gets an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the IdentityReferenceCollection collection.
Removes the specified IdentityReference object from the collection.
Converts the objects in the collection to the specified type. Calling this method is the same as calling Translate with the second parameter set to false, which means that exceptions will not be thrown for items that fail conversion.
Converts the objects in the collection to the specified type and uses the specified fault tolerance to handle or ignore errors associated with a type not having a conversion mapping.