Specifies the defined native object types.
DSObject = 8
A directory service (DS) object or a property set or property of a directory service object.
DSObjectAll = 9
A directory service object and all of its property sets and properties.
FileObject = 1
A file or directory.
KernelObject = 6
A local kernel object.
LMShare = 5
A network share.
Printer = 3
A printer.
ProviderDefined = 10
An object defined by a provider.
RegistryKey = 4
A registry key.
RegistryWow6432Key = 12
An object for a registry entry under WOW64.
Service = 2
A Windows service.
Unknown = 0
An unknown object type.
WindowObject = 7
A window station or desktop object on the local computer.
WmiGuidObject = 11
A Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object.