<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="6.0.0" />


Namespace with 23 public types


 AnonymousObservable`1 Class to create an instance from a delegate-based implementation of the method.
 AnonymousObserver`1 Class to create an instance from delegate-based implementations of the On* methods.
 EventPattern`1 Represents a .NET event invocation consisting of the weakly typed object that raised the event and the data that was generated by the event.
 EventPattern`2 Represents a .NET event invocation consisting of the strongly typed object that raised the event and the data that was generated by the event.
 ExperimentalAttribute Marks the program elements that are experimental. This class cannot be inherited.
 ListObservable`1 Represents an object that retains the elements of the observable sequence and signals the end of the sequence.


 TimeInterval`1 Represents a value associated with time interval information. The time interval can represent the time it took to produce the value, the interval relative to a previous value, the value's delivery time relative to a base, etc.
 Timestamped`1 Represents value with a timestamp on it. The timestamp typically represents the time the value was received, using an IScheduler's clock to obtain the current time.
 Unit Represents a type with a single value. This type is often used to denote the successful completion of a void-returning method (C#) or a Sub procedure (Visual Basic).


 NotificationKind Indicates the type of a notification.

Static Classes

 Notification Provides a set of static methods for constructing notifications.
 Observer Provides a set of static methods for creating observers.
 Timestamped A helper class with a factory method for creating instances.

Abstract Classes

 EventPatternSourceBase`2 Base class for classes that expose an observable sequence as a well-known event pattern (sender, event arguments). Contains functionality to maintain a map of event handler delegates to observable sequence subscriptions. Subclasses should only add an event with custom add and remove methods calling into the base class's operations.
 Notification`1 Represents a notification to an observer.
 ObservableBase`1 Abstract base class for implementations of the interface.
 ObserverBase`1 Abstract base class for implementations of the interface.


 IEventPattern`2 Represents a .NET event invocation consisting of the strongly typed object that raised the event and the data that was generated by the event.
 IEventPatternSource`1 Represents a data stream signaling its elements by means of an event.
 IEventSource`1 Represents a data stream signaling its elements by means of an event.
 IObserver`2 Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications and returning a response.
 ITaskObservable`1 Extension of the interface compatible with async method return types.
 ITaskObservableAwaiter`1 Interface representing an awaiter for an .