<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.4.1" />


Namespace with 29 public types


 AsyncLock Asynchronous lock.
 CurrentThreadScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on the current thread.
 DefaultScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on the platform's default scheduler.
 EventLoopScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on a designated thread.
 HistoricalScheduler Provides a virtual time scheduler that uses for absolute time and for relative time.
 ImmediateScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work to run immediately on the current thread.
 NewThreadScheduler Represents an object that schedules each unit of work on a separate thread.
 ScheduledItem`2 Represents a scheduled work item based on the materialization of an IScheduler.Schedule method call.
 SchedulerOperation Represents an awaitable scheduler operation. Awaiting the object causes the continuation to be posted back to the originating scheduler's work queue.
 SchedulerOperationAwaiter (Infrastructure) Scheduler operation awaiter type used by the code generated for C# await and Visual Basic Await expressions.
 SchedulerQueue`1 Efficient scheduler queue that maintains scheduled items sorted by absolute time.
 SynchronizationContextScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on a provided .
 TaskPoolScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on the Task Parallel Library (TPL) task pool.
 ThreadPoolScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work on the CLR thread pool.

Static Classes

 Scheduler Provides a set of static properties to access commonly used schedulers.
 Synchronization Provides basic synchronization and scheduling services for observable sequences.
 VirtualTimeSchedulerExtensions Provides a set of extension methods for virtual time scheduling.

Abstract Classes

 HistoricalSchedulerBase Base class for historical schedulers, which are virtual time schedulers that use for absolute time and for relative time.
 LocalScheduler Abstract base class for machine-local schedulers, using the local system clock for time-based operations.
 ScheduledItem`1 Abstract base class for scheduled work items.
 VirtualTimeScheduler`2 Base class for virtual time schedulers using a priority queue for scheduled items.
 VirtualTimeSchedulerBase`2 Base class for virtual time schedulers.


 IConcurrencyAbstractionLayer (Infrastructure) Concurrency abstraction layer interface.
 IScheduledItem`1 Represents a work item that has been scheduled.
 IScheduler Represents an object that schedules units of work.
 ISchedulerLongRunning Scheduler with support for starting long-running tasks. This type of scheduler can be used to run loops more efficiently instead of using recursive scheduling.
 ISchedulerPeriodic Scheduler with support for running periodic tasks. This type of scheduler can be used to run timers more efficiently instead of using recursive scheduling.
 IStopwatch Abstraction for a stopwatch to compute time relative to a starting point.
 IStopwatchProvider Provider for objects.