<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.1.0" />


public static class AsyncInfoObservable
Provides a set of extension methods to expose observable sequences as Windows Runtime asynchronous actions and operations.
public static IAsyncAction ToAsyncAction<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous action that represents the completion of the observable sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous action, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncActionWithProgress<int> ToAsyncActionWithProgress<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous action that represents the completion of the observable sequence, reporting incremental progress for each element produced by the sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous action, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncActionWithProgress<TProgress> ToAsyncActionWithProgress<TSource, TProgress>(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<IObservable<TSource>, IObservable<TProgress>> progressSelector)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous action that represents the completion of the observable sequence, using a selector function to map the source sequence on a progress reporting sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous action, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncOperation<TSource> ToAsyncOperation<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation that returns the last element of the observable sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous operation, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TSource, int> ToAsyncOperationWithProgress<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation that returns the last element of the observable sequence, reporting incremental progress for each element produced by the sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous operation, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TResult, int> ToAsyncOperationWithProgress<TSource, TResult>(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<IObservable<TSource>, IObservable<TResult>> resultSelector)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation that returns the last element of the result sequence, reporting incremental progress for each element produced by the source sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous operation, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.

public static IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TResult, TProgress> ToAsyncOperationWithProgress<TSource, TResult, TProgress>(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<IObservable<TSource>, IObservable<TResult>> resultSelector, Func<IObservable<TSource>, IObservable<TProgress>> progressSelector)

Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation that returns the last element of the result sequence, using a selector function to map the source sequence on a progress reporting sequence. Upon cancellation of the asynchronous operation, the subscription to the source sequence will be disposed.