<PackageReference Include="System.Diagnostics.EventLog" Version="9.0.0-rc.2.24473.5" />


public sealed class EventLogInformation
Allows you to access the run-time properties of active event logs and event log files. These properties include the number of events in the log, the size of the log, a value that determines whether the log is full, and the last time the log was written to or accessed.
public int? Attributes { get; }

Gets the file attributes of the log file associated with the log.

public DateTime? CreationTime { get; }

Gets the time that the log file associated with the event log was created.

public long? FileSize { get; }

Gets the size of the file, in bytes, associated with the event log.

public bool? IsLogFull { get; }

Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the log file has reached its maximum size (the log is full).

public DateTime? LastAccessTime { get; }

Gets the last time the log file associated with the event log was accessed.

public DateTime? LastWriteTime { get; }

Gets the last time data was written to the log file associated with the event log.

public long? OldestRecordNumber { get; }

Gets the number of the oldest event record in the event log.

public long? RecordCount { get; }

Gets the number of event records in the event log.