Contains static information and configuration settings for an event log. Many of the configurations settings were defined by the event provider that created the log.
Gets a value that indicates whether the event log is a classic event log. A classic event log is one that has its events defined in an .mc file instead of a manifest (.xml file) used by the event provider.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the event log is enabled or disabled. An enabled log is one in which events can be logged, and a disabled log is one in which events cannot be logged.
Gets or sets the file directory path to the location of the file where the events are stored for the log.
Gets an EventLogIsolation value that specifies whether the event log is an application, system, or custom event log.
Gets or sets an EventLogMode value that determines how events are handled when the event log becomes full.
Gets the name of the event log.
Gets an EventLogType value that determines the type of the event log.
Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, that the event log file is allowed to be. When the file reaches this maximum size, it is considered full.
Gets the name of the event provider that created this event log.
Gets the size of the buffer that the event provider uses for publishing events to the log.
Gets the control globally unique identifier (GUID) for the event log if the log is a debug log. If this log is not a debug log, this value is null.
Gets or sets the keyword mask used by the event provider.
Gets the maximum latency time used by the event provider when publishing events to the log.
Gets or sets the maximum event level (which defines the severity of the event) that is allowed to be logged in the event log. This value is defined by the event provider.
Gets the maximum number of buffers used by the event provider to publish events to the event log.
Gets the minimum number of buffers used by the event provider to publish events to the event log.
Gets an enumerable collection of the names of all the event providers that can publish events to this event log.
Gets or sets the security descriptor of the event log. The security descriptor defines the users and groups of users that can read and write to the event log.
Initializes a new EventLogConfiguration object by specifying the local event log for which to get information and configuration settings.
Initializes a new EventLogConfiguration object by specifying the name of the log for which to get information and configuration settings. The log can be on the local computer or a remote computer, based on the event log session specified.
Releases all the resources used by this object.
Releases the unmanaged resources used by this object, and optionally releases the managed resources.
Saves the configuration settings that