<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.6" />


Namespace with 35 public types


 SqlBulkCopy Lets you efficiently bulk load a SQL Server table with data from another source.
 SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Defines the mapping between a column in a instance's data source and a column in the instance's destination table.
 SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Collection of objects that inherits from .
 SqlClientFactory Represents a set of methods for creating instances of the provider's implementation of the data source classes.
 SqlCommand Represents a Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlCommandBuilder Automatically generates single-table commands that are used to reconcile changes made to a with the associated SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlConnection Represents a connection to a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlConnectionStringBuilder Provides a simple way to create and manage the contents of connection strings used by the class.
 SqlCredential provides a more secure way to specify the password for a login attempt using SQL Server Authentication. is comprised of a user id and a password that will be used for SQL Server Authentication. The password in a object is of type . cannot be inherited. Windows Authentication () remains the most secure way to log in to a SQL Server database.
 SqlDataAdapter Represents a set of data commands and a database connection that are used to fill the and update a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlDataReader Provides a way of reading a forward-only stream of rows from a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlDependency The object represents a query notification dependency between an application and an instance of SQL Server. An application can create a object and register to receive notifications via the event handler.
 SqlError Collects information relevant to a warning or error returned by SQL Server.
 SqlErrorCollection Collects all errors generated by the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlException The exception that is thrown when SQL Server returns a warning or error. This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlInfoMessageEventArgs Provides data for the event.
 SqlNotificationEventArgs Represents the set of arguments passed to the notification event handler.
 SqlParameter Represents a parameter to a and optionally its mapping to columns. This class cannot be inherited. For more information on parameters, see Configuring Parameters and Parameter Data Types.
 SqlParameterCollection Represents a collection of parameters associated with a and their respective mappings to columns in a . This class cannot be inherited.
 SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs Represents the set of arguments passed to the .
 SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the event.
 SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs Provides data for the event.
 SqlTransaction Represents a Transact-SQL transaction to be made in a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.


 ApplicationIntent Specifies a value for . Possible values are and .
 SortOrder Specifies how rows of data are sorted.
 SqlBulkCopyOptions Bitwise flag that specifies one or more options to use with an instance of .
 SqlNotificationInfo This enumeration provides additional information about the different notifications that can be received by the dependency event handler.
 SqlNotificationSource Indicates the source of the notification received by the dependency event handler.
 SqlNotificationType Describes the different notification types that can be received by an event handler through the parameter.

Static Classes

 SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames Provides a list of constants for use with the GetSchema method to retrieve metadata collections.