Provides a way of reading a forward-only stream of rows from a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.
Gets the SqlConnection associated with the SqlDataReader.
Retrieves the value of the specified column as a DateTimeOffset object.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlBinary.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlBoolean.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlByte.
Gets the value of the specified column as SqlBytes.
Gets the value of the specified column as SqlChars.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlDateTime.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlDecimal.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlDouble.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlGuid.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlInt16.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlInt32.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlInt64.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlMoney.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlSingle.
Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlString.
Returns the data value in the specified column as a SQL Server type.
Fills an array of Object that contains the values for all the columns in the record, expressed as SQL Server types.
Gets the value of the specified column as an XML value.
Retrieves the value of the specified column as a TimeSpan object.
Retrieves data of type XML as an XmlReader.