<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.1" />


public enum SqlNotificationInfo
This enumeration provides additional information about the different notifications that can be received by the dependency event handler.

The SqlDependency object already fired, and new commands cannot be added to it.

Alter = 5

An underlying server object related to the query was modified.

Delete = 3

Data was changed by a DELETE statement.

Drop = 4

An underlying object related to the query was dropped.

Error = 7

An internal server error occurred.

Expired = 12

The SqlDependency object has expired.

Insert = 1

Data was changed by an INSERT statement.

Invalid = 9

A statement was provided that cannot be notified (for example, an UPDATE statement).

Isolation = 11

The statement was executed under an isolation mode that was not valid (for example, Snapshot).

Merge = 16

Used to distinguish the server-side cause for a query notification firing.

Options = 10

The SET options were not set appropriately at subscription time.

A previous statement has caused query notifications to fire under the current transaction.

Query = 8

A SELECT statement that cannot be notified or was provided.

Resource = 13

Fires as a result of server resource pressure.

Restart = 6

The server was restarted (notifications are sent during restart.).

The subscribing query causes the number of templates on one of the target tables to exceed the maximum allowable limit.

One or more tables were truncated.

Unknown = -1

Used when the info option sent by the server was not recognized by the client.

Update = 2

Data was changed by an UPDATE statement.