<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.7.0-preview9.19416.11" />


Indicates that the type should be registered as a user-defined aggregate. The properties on the attribute reflect the physical attributes used when the type is registered with SQL Server. This class cannot be inherited.
public const int MaxByteSizeValue = 8000

The maximum size, in bytes, required to store the state of this aggregate instance during computation.

public Format Format { get; }

The serialization format as a Format.

public bool IsInvariantToDuplicates { get; set; }

Indicates whether the aggregate is invariant to duplicates.

public bool IsInvariantToNulls { get; set; }

Indicates whether the aggregate is invariant to nulls.

public bool IsInvariantToOrder { get; set; }

Indicates whether the aggregate is invariant to order.

public bool IsNullIfEmpty { get; set; }

Indicates whether the aggregate returns null if no values have been accumulated.

public int MaxByteSize { get; set; }

The maximum size, in bytes, of the aggregate instance.

public string Name { get; set; }

The name of the aggregate.

A required attribute on a user-defined aggregate, used to indicate that the given type is a user-defined aggregate and the storage format of the user-defined aggregate.