<PackageReference Include="System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" Version="10.0.0-preview.1.25080.5" />


Namespace with 143 public types


 ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute Specifies that an application settings property has a common value for all users of an application. This class cannot be inherited.
 ApplicationSettingsGroup Represents a grouping of related application settings sections within a configuration file. This class cannot be inherited.
 AppSettingsReader Provides a method for reading values of a particular type from the configuration.
 AppSettingsSection Provides configuration system support for the configuration section. This class cannot be inherited.
 CallbackValidator Provides dynamic validation of an object.
 CallbackValidatorAttribute Specifies a object to use for code validation. This class cannot be inherited.
 ClientSettingsSection Represents a group of user-scoped application settings in a configuration file.
 CommaDelimitedStringCollection Represents a collection of string elements separated by commas. This class cannot be inherited.
 CommaDelimitedStringCollectionConverter Converts a comma-delimited string value to and from a object. This class cannot be inherited.
 Configuration Represents a configuration file that is applicable to a particular computer, application, or resource. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationCollectionAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to create an instance of a configuration element collection. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationElementProperty Specifies the property of a configuration element. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationErrorsException The exception that is thrown when a configuration error has occurred.
 ConfigurationException The exception that is thrown when a configuration system error has occurred.
 ConfigurationFileMap Defines the configuration file mapping for the machine configuration file.
 ConfigurationLocation Represents a element within a configuration file.
 ConfigurationLocationCollection Contains a collection of objects.
 ConfigurationLockCollection Contains a collection of locked configuration objects. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationProperty Represents an attribute or a child of a configuration element. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationPropertyAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to instantiate a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 ConfigurationPropertyCollection Represents a collection of configuration-element properties.
 ConfigurationSectionCollection Represents a collection of related sections within a configuration file.
 ConfigurationSectionGroup Represents a group of related sections within a configuration file.
 ConfigurationSectionGroupCollection Represents a collection of objects.
 ConfigurationSettings Provides runtime versions 1.0 and 1.1 support for reading configuration sections and common configuration settings.
 ConfigurationValidatorAttribute Serves as the base class for the validator attribute types.
 ConfigXmlDocument Wraps the corresponding type and also carries the necessary information for reporting file-name and line numbers.
 ConnectionStringSettings Represents a single, named connection string in the connection strings configuration file section.
 ConnectionStringSettingsCollection Contains a collection of objects.
 ConnectionStringsSection Provides programmatic access to the connection strings configuration-file section.
 ContextInformation Encapsulates the context information that is associated with a object. This class cannot be inherited.
 DefaultSection Represents a basic configuration-section handler that exposes the configuration section's XML for both read and write access.
 DefaultSettingValueAttribute Specifies the default value for an application settings property.
 DefaultValidator Provides validation of an object. This class cannot be inherited.
 DictionarySectionHandler Provides key/value pair configuration information from a configuration section.
 DpapiProtectedConfigurationProvider Provides a object that uses the Windows data protection API (DPAPI) to encrypt and decrypt configuration data.
 ElementInformation Contains meta-information about an individual element within the configuration. This class cannot be inherited.
 ExeConfigurationFileMap Defines the configuration file mapping for an .exe application. This class cannot be inherited.
 ExeContext Manages the path context for the current application. This class cannot be inherited.
 GenericEnumConverter Converts between a string and an enumeration type.
 IdnElement Provides the configuration setting for International Domain Name (IDN) processing in the class.
 IgnoreSection Provides a wrapper type definition for configuration sections that are not handled by the types.
 IgnoreSectionHandler Provides a legacy section-handler definition for configuration sections that are not handled by the types.
 InfiniteIntConverter Converts between a string and the standard infinite or integer value.
 InfiniteTimeSpanConverter Converts between a string and the standard infinite value.
 IntegerValidator Provides validation of an value.
 IntegerValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform integer validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 IriParsingElement Provides the configuration setting for International Resource Identifier (IRI) processing in the class.
 KeyValueConfigurationCollection Contains a collection of objects.
 KeyValueConfigurationElement Represents a configuration element that contains a key/value pair.
 LocalFileSettingsProvider Provides persistence for application settings classes.
 LongValidator Provides validation of an value.
 LongValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform long-integer validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 NameValueConfigurationCollection Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited.
 NameValueConfigurationElement A configuration element that contains a name and value. This class cannot be inherited.
 NameValueFileSectionHandler Provides access to a configuration file. This type supports the .NET configuration infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
 NameValueSectionHandler Provides name/value-pair configuration information from a configuration section.
 NoSettingsVersionUpgradeAttribute Specifies that a settings provider should disable any logic that gets invoked when an application upgrade is detected. This class cannot be inherited.
 PositiveTimeSpanValidator Provides validation of a object. This class cannot be inherited.
 PositiveTimeSpanValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform time validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 PropertyInformation Contains meta-information on an individual property within the configuration. This type cannot be inherited.
 PropertyInformationCollection Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProtectedConfigurationProviderCollection Provides a collection of objects.
 ProtectedConfigurationSection Provides programmatic access to the configuration section. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProtectedProviderSettings Represents a group of configuration elements that configure the providers for the configuration section.
 ProviderSettings Represents the configuration elements associated with a provider.
 ProviderSettingsCollection Represents a collection of objects.
 RegexStringValidator Provides validation of a string based on the rules provided by a regular expression.
 RegexStringValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform string validation on a configuration property using a regular expression. This class cannot be inherited.
 RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider Provides a instance that uses RSA encryption to encrypt and decrypt configuration data.
 SchemeSettingElement Represents an element in a class.
 SchemeSettingElementCollection Represents a collection of objects.
 SectionInformation Contains metadata about an individual section within the configuration hierarchy. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingAttribute Represents a custom settings attribute used to associate settings information with a settings property.
 SettingChangingEventArgs Provides data for the event.
 SettingElement Represents a simplified configuration element used for updating elements in the configuration. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingElementCollection Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsAttributeDictionary Represents a collection of key/value pairs used to describe a configuration object as well as a object.
 SettingsContext Provides contextual information that the provider can use when persisting settings.
 SettingsDescriptionAttribute Provides a string that describes an individual configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsGroupDescriptionAttribute Provides a string that describes an application settings property group. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsGroupNameAttribute Specifies a name for application settings property group. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsLoadedEventArgs Provides data for the event.
 SettingsManageabilityAttribute Specifies special services for application settings properties. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsProperty Used internally as the class that represents metadata about an individual configuration property.
 SettingsPropertyCollection Contains a collection of objects.
 SettingsPropertyIsReadOnlyException Provides an exception for read-only objects.
 SettingsPropertyNotFoundException Provides an exception for objects that are not found.
 SettingsPropertyValue Contains the value of a settings property that can be loaded and stored by an instance of .
 SettingsPropertyValueCollection Contains a collection of settings property values that map objects to objects.
 SettingsPropertyWrongTypeException Provides an exception that is thrown when an invalid type is used with a object.
 SettingsProviderAttribute Specifies the settings provider used to provide storage for the current application settings class or property. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingsProviderCollection Represents a collection of application settings providers.
 SettingsSerializeAsAttribute Specifies the serialization mechanism that the settings provider should use. This class cannot be inherited.
 SettingValueElement Contains the XML representing the serialized value of the setting. This class cannot be inherited.
 SingleTagSectionHandler Handles configuration sections that are represented by a single XML tag in the .config file.
 SpecialSettingAttribute Indicates that an application settings property has a special significance. This class cannot be inherited.
 StringValidator Provides validation of a string.
 StringValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform string validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 SubclassTypeValidator Validates that an object is a derived class of a specified type.
 SubclassTypeValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 TimeSpanMinutesConverter Converts a time span expressed in minutes.
 TimeSpanMinutesOrInfiniteConverter Converts a expressed in minutes or as a standard infinite time span.
 TimeSpanSecondsConverter Converts a time span expressed in seconds.
 TimeSpanSecondsOrInfiniteConverter Converts a expressed in seconds or as a standard infinite time span.
 TimeSpanValidator Provides validation of a object.
 TimeSpanValidatorAttribute Declaratively instructs .NET to perform time validation on a configuration property. This class cannot be inherited.
 TypeNameConverter Converts between type and string values. This class cannot be inherited.
 UriSection Represents the Uri section within a configuration file.
 UserScopedSettingAttribute Specifies that an application settings group or property contains distinct values for each user of an application. This class cannot be inherited.
 UserSettingsGroup Represents a grouping of related user settings sections within a configuration file. This class cannot be inherited.
 WhiteSpaceTrimStringConverter Converts a string to its canonical format.


 ConfigurationAllowDefinition Specifies the locations within the configuration-file hierarchy that can set or override the properties contained within a object.
 ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition Specifies the locations within the configuration-file hierarchy that can set or override the properties contained within a object.
 ConfigurationElementCollectionType Specifies the type of a object.
 ConfigurationPropertyOptions Specifies the options to apply to a property.
 ConfigurationSaveMode Determines which properties are written out to a configuration file.
 ConfigurationUserLevel Used to specify which configuration file is to be represented by the Configuration object.
 OverrideMode Specifies the override behavior of a configuration element for configuration elements in child directories.
 PropertyValueOrigin Specifies the level in the configuration hierarchy where a configuration property value originated.
 SettingsManageability Provides values to indicate which services should be made available to application settings.
 SettingsSerializeAs Determines the serialization scheme used to store application settings.
 SpecialSetting Specifies the special setting category of a application settings property.

Static Classes

 ConfigurationManager Provides access to configuration files for client applications. This class cannot be inherited.
 ProtectedConfiguration Provides access to the protected-configuration providers for the current application's configuration file.

Abstract Classes

 ApplicationSettingsBase Acts as a base class for deriving concrete wrapper classes to implement the application settings feature in Window Forms applications.
 ConfigurationConverterBase The base class for the configuration converter types.
 ConfigurationElement Represents a configuration element within a configuration file.
 ConfigurationElementCollection Represents a configuration element containing a collection of child elements.
 ConfigurationSection Represents a section within a configuration file.
 ConfigurationValidatorBase Acts as a base class for deriving a validation class so that a value of an object can be verified.
 ProtectedConfigurationProvider The base class to create providers for encrypting and decrypting protected configuration data.
 SettingsBase Provides the base class used to support user property settings.
 SettingsProvider Acts as a base class for deriving custom settings providers in the application settings architecture.


 IApplicationSettingsProvider Defines extended capabilities for client-based application settings providers.
 IConfigurationSectionHandler Handles the access to certain configuration sections.
 IConfigurationSystem Provides standard configuration methods.
 IPersistComponentSettings Defines standard functionality for controls or libraries that store and retrieve application settings.
 ISettingsProviderService Provides an interface for defining an alternate application settings provider.