Session SSH channel.
void Open()
Opens the channel.
Sends the exec request.
bool SendEndOfWriteRequest()
Sends eow@openssh.com request.
Sends the environment variable request.
Sends the exec request.
bool SendKeepAliveRequest()
Sends keepalive@openssh.com request.
Sends the local flow request.
bool SendPseudoTerminalRequest(string environmentVariable, uint columns, uint rows, uint width, uint height, IDictionary<TerminalModes, uint> terminalModeValues)
Sends the pseudo terminal request.
bool SendShellRequest()
Sends the shell request.
Sends the signal request.
Sends the subsystem request.
Sends the window change request.
bool SendX11ForwardingRequest(bool isSingleConnection, string protocol, byte[] cookie, uint screenNumber)
Sends the X11 forwarding request.