<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2024.2.0" />


public class RsaKey : Key, IDisposable
Contains the RSA private and public key.
using Renci.SshNet.Common; using Renci.SshNet.Security.Cryptography; using System; using System.Formats.Asn1; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace Renci.SshNet.Security { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContext(1)] [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(0)] public class RsaKey : Key, IDisposable { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Nullable(2)] private RsaDigitalSignature _digitalSignature; internal RSA RSA { get; } public BigInteger Modulus { get; } public BigInteger Exponent { get; } public BigInteger D { get; } public BigInteger P { get; } public BigInteger Q { get; } public BigInteger DP { get; } public BigInteger DQ { get; } public BigInteger InverseQ { get; } public override int KeyLength => (int)Extensions.GetBitLength(Modulus); protected internal override DigitalSignature DigitalSignature { get { if (_digitalSignature == null) _digitalSignature = new RsaDigitalSignature(this); return _digitalSignature; } } public override BigInteger[] Public => new BigInteger[2] { Exponent, Modulus }; public override string ToString() { return "ssh-rsa"; } public RsaKey(SshKeyData publicKeyData) { ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(publicKeyData, "publicKeyData"); if (publicKeyData.Name != "ssh-rsa" || publicKeyData.Keys.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException($"""{publicKeyData.Name}""{publicKeyData.Keys.Length}""", "publicKeyData"); Exponent = publicKeyData.Keys[0]; Modulus = publicKeyData.Keys[1]; RSA = RSA.Create(); RSA.ImportParameters(GetRSAParameters()); } public RsaKey(byte[] privateKeyData) { ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(privateKeyData, "privateKeyData"); AsnReader asnReader = new AsnReader(privateKeyData, AsnEncodingRules.DER, default(AsnReaderOptions)).ReadSequence(null); asnReader.ReadInteger(null); Modulus = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); Exponent = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); D = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); P = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); Q = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); DP = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); DQ = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); InverseQ = asnReader.ReadInteger(null); asnReader.ThrowIfNotEmpty(); RSA = RSA.Create(); RSA.ImportParameters(GetRSAParameters()); } public RsaKey(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger exponent, BigInteger d, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger inverseQ) { Modulus = modulus; Exponent = exponent; D = d; P = p; Q = q; DP = PrimeExponent(d, p); DQ = PrimeExponent(d, q); InverseQ = inverseQ; RSA = RSA.Create(); RSA.ImportParameters(GetRSAParameters()); } internal RSAParameters GetRSAParameters() { RSAParameters result; if (D.IsZero) { result = default(RSAParameters); result.Modulus = Extensions.ToByteArray(Modulus, true, true); result.Exponent = Extensions.ToByteArray(Exponent, true, true); return result; } byte[] array = Extensions.ToByteArray(Modulus, true, true); int length = (array.Length + 1) / 2; result = default(RSAParameters); result.Modulus = array; result.Exponent = Extensions.ToByteArray(Exponent, true, true); result.D = D.ExportKeyParameter(array.Length); result.P = P.ExportKeyParameter(length); result.Q = Q.ExportKeyParameter(length); result.DP = DP.ExportKeyParameter(length); result.DQ = DQ.ExportKeyParameter(length); result.InverseQ = InverseQ.ExportKeyParameter(length); return result; } private static BigInteger PrimeExponent(BigInteger privateExponent, BigInteger prime) { BigInteger divisor = prime - BigInteger.One; return privateExponent % divisor; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _digitalSignature?.Dispose(); RSA.Dispose(); } } } }