<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2024.0.0" />


Session SSH channel.
void Open()

Opens the channel.

bool SendBreakRequest(uint breakLength)

Sends the exec request.

Sends eow@openssh.com request.

bool SendEnvironmentVariableRequest(string variableName, string variableValue)

Sends the environment variable request.

bool SendExecRequest(string command)

Sends the exec request.

bool SendExitSignalRequest(string signalName, bool coreDumped, string errorMessage, string language)

Sends the exit signal request.

bool SendExitStatusRequest(uint exitStatus)

Sends the exit status request.

Sends keepalive@openssh.com request.

bool SendLocalFlowRequest(bool clientCanDo)

Sends the local flow request.

bool SendPseudoTerminalRequest(string environmentVariable, uint columns, uint rows, uint width, uint height, IDictionary<TerminalModes, uint> terminalModeValues)

Sends the pseudo terminal request.

Sends the shell request.

bool SendSignalRequest(string signalName)

Sends the signal request.

bool SendSubsystemRequest(string subsystem)

Sends the subsystem request.

bool SendWindowChangeRequest(uint columns, uint rows, uint width, uint height)

Sends the window change request.

bool SendX11ForwardingRequest(bool isSingleConnection, string protocol, byte[] cookie, uint screenNumber)

Sends the X11 forwarding request.