<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2024.0.0" />


interface IServiceFactory
Factory for creating new services.

Creates an IClientAuthentication.

Creates an IConnector that can be used to establish a connection to the server identified by the specified connectionInfo.

IKeyExchange CreateKeyExchange(IDictionary<string, Func<IKeyExchange>> clientAlgorithms, string[] serverAlgorithms)

Negotiates a key exchange algorithm, and creates a IKeyExchange for the negotiated algorithm.

INetConfSession CreateNetConfSession(ISession session, int operationTimeout)

Creates a new INetConfSession in a given ISession and with the specified operation timeout.

Create a new PipeStream.

Creates an IProtocolVersionExchange that deals with the SSH protocol version exchange.

Creates an IRemotePathTransformation that encloses a path in double quotes, and escapes any embedded double quote with a backslash.

ISession CreateSession(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ISocketFactory socketFactory)

Creates a new ISession with the specified ConnectionInfo and ISocketFactory.

ISftpFileReader CreateSftpFileReader(string fileName, ISftpSession sftpSession, uint bufferSize)

Creates an ISftpFileReader for the specified file and with the specified buffer size.

Creates a new ISftpResponseFactory instance.

ISftpSession CreateSftpSession(ISession session, int operationTimeout, Encoding encoding, ISftpResponseFactory sftpMessageFactory)

Creates a new ISftpSession in a given ISession and with the specified operation timeout and encoding.

ShellStream CreateShellStream(ISession session, string terminalName, uint columns, uint rows, uint width, uint height, IDictionary<TerminalModes, uint> terminalModeValues, int bufferSize)

Creates a shell stream.

Creates a factory to create Socket instances.