<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2023.0.1" />


static class Extensions
Collection of different extension methods.
public static byte[] Concat(this byte[] first, byte[] second)

public static bool IsEqualTo(this byte[] left, byte[] right)

public static byte[] Pad(this byte[] data, int length)

Pads with leading zeros if needed.

public static byte[] Take(this byte[] value, int offset, int count)

Returns a specified number of contiguous bytes from a given offset.

public static byte[] Take(this byte[] value, int count)

Returns a specified number of contiguous bytes from the start of the specified byte array.

public static BigInteger ToBigInteger2(this byte[] data)

Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using the SSH BigNum2 Format.

public static byte[] TrimLeadingZeros(this byte[] value)

Trims the leading zero from a byte array.