<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2023.0.1" />


public class DerData
Base class for DER encoded data.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Renci.SshNet.Common { public class DerData { private const byte Constructed = 32; private const byte Boolean = 1; private const byte Integer = 2; private const byte BITSTRING = 3; private const byte Octetstring = 4; private const byte Null = 5; private const byte Objectidentifier = 6; private const byte Sequence = 16; private readonly List<byte> _data; private readonly int _lastIndex; private int _readerIndex; public bool IsEndOfData => _readerIndex >= _lastIndex; public DerData() { _data = new List<byte>(); } public DerData(byte[] data, bool construct = false) { _data = new List<byte>(data); if (construct) _lastIndex = _readerIndex + data.Length; else { ReadByte(); int num = ReadLength(); _lastIndex = _readerIndex + num; } } public byte[] Encode() { byte[] length = GetLength(_data.Count); _data.InsertRange(0, length); _data.Insert(0, 48); return _data.ToArray(); } public BigInteger ReadBigInteger() { byte b = ReadByte(); if (b != 2) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Invalid data type, INTEGER(02) is expected, but was {0}", b.ToString("X2"))); int length = ReadLength(); return new BigInteger(ReadBytes(length).Reverse()); } public int ReadInteger() { byte b = ReadByte(); if (b != 2) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Invalid data type, INTEGER(02) is expected, but was {0}", b.ToString("X2"))); int num = ReadLength(); byte[] array = ReadBytes(num); if (num > 4) throw new InvalidOperationException("Integer type cannot occupy more then 4 bytes"); int num2 = 0; int num3 = (num - 1) * 8; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { num2 |= array[i] << num3; num3 -= 8; } return num2; } public byte[] ReadOctetString() { byte b = ReadByte(); if (b != 4) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Invalid data type, OCTETSTRING(04) is expected, but was {0}", b.ToString("X2"))); int length = ReadLength(); return ReadBytes(length); } public byte[] ReadBitString() { byte b = ReadByte(); if (b != 3) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Invalid data type, BITSTRING(03) is expected, but was {0}", b.ToString("X2"))); int length = ReadLength(); return ReadBytes(length); } public byte[] ReadObject() { byte b = ReadByte(); if (b != 6) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Invalid data type, OBJECT(06) is expected, but was {0}", b.ToString("X2"))); int length = ReadLength(); return ReadBytes(length); } public void Write(bool data) { _data.Add(1); _data.Add(1); _data.Add(data ? ((byte)1) : ((byte)0)); } public void Write(uint data) { byte[] array = Pack.UInt32ToBigEndian(data); _data.Add(2); byte[] length = GetLength(array.Length); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(array); } public void Write(BigInteger data) { byte[] array = data.ToByteArray().Reverse(); _data.Add(2); byte[] length = GetLength(array.Length); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(array); } public void Write(byte[] data) { _data.Add(4); byte[] length = GetLength(data.Length); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(data); } public void Write(ObjectIdentifier identifier) { ulong[] array = new ulong[identifier.Identifiers.Length - 1]; array[0] = identifier.Identifiers[0] * 40 + identifier.Identifiers[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(identifier.Identifiers, 16, array, 8, (identifier.Identifiers.Length - 2) * 8); List<byte> list = new List<byte>(); ulong[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { ulong num = array2[i]; byte[] array3 = new byte[8]; int num2 = array3.Length - 1; byte b = (byte)(num & 127); do { array3[num2] = b; if (num2 < array3.Length - 1) array3[num2] |= 128; num >>= 7; b = (byte)(num & 127); num2--; } while (b > 0); for (int j = num2 + 1; j < array3.Length; j++) { list.Add(array3[j]); } } _data.Add(6); byte[] length = GetLength(list.Count); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(list); } public void Write(DerData data) { byte[] collection = data.Encode(); _data.AddRange(collection); } public void WriteBitstring(byte[] data) { _data.Add(3); byte[] length = GetLength(data.Length); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(data); } public void WriteObjectIdentifier(byte[] bytes) { _data.Add(6); byte[] length = GetLength(bytes.Length); WriteBytes(length); WriteBytes(bytes); } public void WriteNull() { _data.Add(5); _data.Add(0); } private static byte[] GetLength(int length) { if (length > 127) { int num = 1; int num2 = length; while ((num2 >>= 8) != 0) { num++; } byte[] array = new byte[num]; array[0] = (byte)(num | 128); int num3 = (num - 1) * 8; int num4 = 1; while (num3 >= 0) { array[num4] = (byte)(length >> num3); num3 -= 8; num4++; } return array; } return new byte[1] { (byte)length }; } public int ReadLength() { int num = ReadByte(); if (num == 128) throw new NotSupportedException("Indefinite-length encoding is not supported."); if (num > 127) { int num2 = num & 127; if (num2 > 4) throw new InvalidOperationException($"""{num2}"""); num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { int num3 = ReadByte(); num = (num << 8) + num3; } if (num < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Corrupted data - negative length found"); } return num; } public void WriteBytes(IEnumerable<byte> data) { _data.AddRange(data); } public byte ReadByte() { if (_readerIndex > _data.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("Read out of boundaries."); return _data[_readerIndex++]; } public byte[] ReadBytes(int length) { if (_readerIndex + length > _data.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("Read out of boundaries."); byte[] array = new byte[length]; _data.CopyTo(_readerIndex, array, 0, length); _readerIndex += length; return array; } } }