public struct BigInteger : IComparable, IFormattable, IComparable<BigInteger>, IEquatable<BigInteger>
Represents an arbitrarily large signed integer.
Gets a value that represents the number negative one (-1).
Gets a value that represents the number one (1).
Gets a value that represents the number 0 (zero).
Gets number of bits used by the number.
Indicates whether the value of the current BigInteger object is an even number.
Indicates whether the value of the current BigInteger object is One.
Indicates whether the value of the current BigInteger object is a power of two.
Indicates whether the value of the current BigInteger object is Zero.
Gets a number that indicates the sign (negative, positive, or zero) of the current BigInteger object.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a 32-bit signed integer value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using an unsigned 32-bit integer value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a 64-bit signed integer value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure with an unsigned 64-bit integer value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a double-precision floating-point value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a single-precision floating-point value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a Decimal value.
Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using the values in a byte array.
Gets the absolute value of a BigInteger object.
Adds two BigInteger values and returns the result.
Compares two BigInteger values and returns an integer that indicates whether the first value is less than, equal to, or greater than the second value.
Divides one BigInteger value by another and returns the result.
Divides one BigInteger value by another, returns the result, and returns the remainder in
an output parameter.
Finds the greatest common divisor of two BigInteger values.
Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base.
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Returns the larger of two BigInteger values.
Returns the smaller of two BigInteger values.
Mods the inverse.
Performs modulus division on a number raised to the power of another number.
Returns the product of two BigInteger values.
Negates a specified BigInteger value.
Adds the values of two specified BigInteger objects.
Performs a bitwise And operation on two BigInteger values.
Performs a bitwise Or operation on two BigInteger values.
Decrements a BigInteger value by 1.
Divides a specified BigInteger value by another specified BigInteger value by using
integer division.
Returns a value that indicates whether the values of two BigInteger objects are equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value and a signed long integer value are equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a signed long integer value and a BigInteger value are equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value and an unsigned long integer value are equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether an unsigned long integer value and a BigInteger value are equal.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a 32-bit signed integer value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to an unsigned 32-bit integer value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a 16-bit signed integer value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to an unsigned byte value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a signed 8-bit value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a 64-bit signed integer value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to an unsigned 64-bit integer value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a Double value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a single-precision floating-point value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to a Decimal value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a Double value to a BigInteger value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a Single object to a BigInteger value.
Defines an explicit conversion of a Decimal object to a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is greater than another
BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger is greater than a 64-bit signed integer value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer is greater than a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is greater than a 64-bit unsigned integer.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit unsigned integer is greater than a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is greater than or equal
to another BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is greater than or equal
to a 64-bit signed integer value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer is greater than or equal to a
BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is greater than or equal to a
64-bit unsigned integer value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit unsigned integer is greater than or equal to a
BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a signed 32-bit integer to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a 32-bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a signed 16-bit integer to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a 16-bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of an unsigned byte to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a signed 64-bit integer to a BigInteger value.
Defines an implicit conversion of a 64-bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger value.
Increments a BigInteger value by 1.
Returns a value that indicates whether two BigInteger objects have different values.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value and a 64-bit signed integer are not equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer and a BigInteger value are not equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value and a 64-bit unsigned integer are not equal.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit unsigned integer and a BigInteger value are not equal.
Shifts a BigInteger value a specified number of bits to the left.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is less than another
BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is less than a 64-bit signed integer.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer is less than a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer is less than a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit unsigned integer is less than a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is less than or equal
to another BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is less than or equal
to a 64-bit signed integer.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit signed integer is less than or equal to a BigInteger value.
Returns a value that indicates whether a BigInteger value is less than or equal to
a 64-bit unsigned integer.
Returns a value that indicates whether a 64-bit unsigned integer is less than or equal to a
BigInteger value.
Returns the remainder that results from division with two specified BigInteger values.
Multiplies two specified BigInteger values.
Returns the bitwise one's complement of a BigInteger value.
Shifts a BigInteger value a specified number of bits to the right.
Subtracts a BigInteger value from another BigInteger value.
Negates a specified BigInteger value.
Returns the value of the BigInteger operand.
Converts the string representation of a number to its BigInteger equivalent.
Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its BigInteger equivalent.
Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its BigInteger equivalent.
Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its BigInteger equivalent.
Returns positive remainder that results from division with two specified BigInteger values.
Raises a BigInteger value to the power of a specified value.
Generates a new, random BigInteger of the specified length.
Performs integer division on two BigInteger values and returns the remainder.
Subtracts one BigInteger value from another and returns the result.
Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its BigInteger equivalent, and
returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
public static bool TryParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out BigInteger result)
Tries to convert the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its
BigInteger equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of
this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the specified object.
Compares this instance to a second BigInteger and returns an integer that indicates whether the
value of this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the specified object.
Compares this instance to an unsigned 64-bit integer and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of this
instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the unsigned 64-bit integer.
Compares this instance to a signed 64-bit integer and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of this
instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the signed 64-bit integer.
Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance and a specified BigInteger object
have the same value.
Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance and a signed 64-bit integer have the same value.
Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance and an unsigned 64-bit integer have the same value.
Converts a BigInteger value to a byte array.
Converts the numeric value of the current BigInteger object to its equivalent string representation
by using the specified format.
Converts the numeric value of the current BigInteger object to its equivalent string representation
by using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Converts the numeric value of the current BigInteger object to its equivalent string representation
by using the specified format and culture-specific format information.