<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2020.0.0-beta1" />


Quotes a path in a way to be suitable to be used with a shell-based server.
using System; using System.Text; namespace Renci.SshNet { internal class RemotePathShellQuoteTransformation : IRemotePathTransformation { private enum ShellQuoteState { Unquoted = 1, SingleQuoted, Quoted } public string Transform(string path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(path.Length + 2); ShellQuoteState shellQuoteState = ShellQuoteState.Unquoted; foreach (char c in path) { switch (c) { case '\'': switch (shellQuoteState) { case ShellQuoteState.Unquoted: stringBuilder.Append('"'); break; case ShellQuoteState.SingleQuoted: stringBuilder.Append('\''); stringBuilder.Append('"'); break; } shellQuoteState = ShellQuoteState.Quoted; break; case '!': switch (shellQuoteState) { case ShellQuoteState.Unquoted: stringBuilder.Append('\\'); break; case ShellQuoteState.Quoted: stringBuilder.Append('"'); stringBuilder.Append('\\'); break; case ShellQuoteState.SingleQuoted: stringBuilder.Append('\''); stringBuilder.Append('\\'); break; } shellQuoteState = ShellQuoteState.Unquoted; break; default: switch (shellQuoteState) { case ShellQuoteState.Unquoted: stringBuilder.Append('\''); break; case ShellQuoteState.Quoted: stringBuilder.Append('"'); stringBuilder.Append('\''); break; } shellQuoteState = ShellQuoteState.SingleQuoted; break; } stringBuilder.Append(c); } switch (shellQuoteState) { case ShellQuoteState.Quoted: stringBuilder.Append('"'); break; case ShellQuoteState.SingleQuoted: stringBuilder.Append('\''); break; } if (stringBuilder.Length == 0) stringBuilder.Append("''"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } }