<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2016.1.0-beta4" />


Contains File system information exposed by statvfs@openssh.com request.
public ulong AvailableBlocks { get; }

Gets the available blocks.

public ulong AvailableNodes { get; }

Gets the available nodes.

public ulong BlockSize { get; }

Gets the fundamental file system size of the block.

public ulong FileSystemBlockSize { get; }

Gets the file system block size.

public ulong FreeBlocks { get; }

Gets the free blocks.

public ulong FreeNodes { get; }

Gets the free nodes.

public bool IsReadOnly { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.

public ulong MaxNameLenght { get; }

Gets the max name lenght.

public ulong Sid { get; }

Gets the sid.

public bool SupportsSetUid { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether [supports set uid].

public ulong TotalBlocks { get; }

Gets the total blocks.

public ulong TotalNodes { get; }

Gets the total nodes.