<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2016.1.0-beta3" />


public class SshDataStream : MemoryStream
Specialized MemoryStream for reading and writing data SSH data.
public bool IsEndOfData { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether all data from the SSH data stream has been read.

public SshDataStream(int capacity)

Initializes a new instance of the SshDataStream class with an expandable capacity initialized as specified.

public SshDataStream(byte[] buffer)

Initializes a new non-resizable instance of the SshDataStream class based on the specified byte array.

public SshDataStream(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)

Initializes a new non-resizable instance of the SshDataStream class based on the specified byte array.

Reads a BigInteger from the SSH datastream.

public byte[] ReadBinary()

Reads a byte array from the SSH data stream.

public string ReadString(Encoding encoding)

Reads the next String data type from the SSH data stream.

public uint ReadUInt32()

Reads the next UInt32 data type from the SSH data stream.

public ulong ReadUInt64()

Reads the next UInt64 data type from the SSH data stream.

public void Write(uint value)

Writes an UInt32 to the SSH data stream.

public void Write(ulong value)

Writes an UInt64 to the SSH data stream.

public void Write(BigInteger data)

Writes a BigInteger into the SSH data stream.

public void Write(byte[] data)

Writes bytes array data into the SSH data stream.

public void Write(string s, Encoding encoding)

Writes string data to the SSH data stream using the specified encoding.

public void WriteBinary(byte[] buffer)

Writes a buffer preceded by its length into the SSH data stream.

public void WriteBinary(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)

Writes a buffer preceded by its length into the SSH data stream.