<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2014.4.6-beta1" />


public abstract class SHA2HashBase : HashAlgorithm
SHA256 algorithm implementation.
protected ulong H1

protected ulong H2

protected ulong H3

protected ulong H4

protected ulong H5

protected ulong H6

protected ulong H7

protected ulong H8

public SHA2HashBase()

Initializes a new instance of the SHA512Hash class.

protected static uint BE_To_UInt32(byte[] bs, int off)

protected static uint BE_To_UInt32(byte[] bs)

protected static ulong BE_To_UInt64(byte[] bs)

protected static ulong BE_To_UInt64(byte[] bs, int off)

protected static void UInt32_To_BE(uint n, byte[] bs, int off)

protected static void UInt64_To_BE(ulong n, byte[] bs, int off)

protected void Finish()