<PackageReference Include="SSH.NET" Version="2013.4.7" />


Namespace with 31 public types


 ASCIIEncoding Implementation of ASCII Encoding
 AuthenticationBannerEventArgs Provides data for event.
 AuthenticationPasswordChangeEventArgs Provides data for event.
 AuthenticationPrompt Provides prompt information when is raised
 AuthenticationPromptEventArgs Provides data for event.
 DerData Base class for DER encoded data.
 ExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the ErrorOccured events.
 HostKeyEventArgs Provides data for the HostKeyReceived event.
 NetConfServerException The exception that is thrown when there is something wrong with the server capabilities.
 PipeStream PipeStream is a thread-safe read/write data stream for use between two threads in a single-producer/single-consumer type problem.
 PortForwardEventArgs Provides data for event.
 ProxyException The exception that is thrown when SCP error occurred.
 ScpDownloadEventArgs Provides data for the Downloading event.
 ScpException The exception that is thrown when SCP error occurred.
 ScpUploadEventArgs Provides data for the Uploading event.
 SemaphoreLight Light implementation of SemaphoreSlim.
 SftpPathNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when file or directory is not found.
 SftpPermissionDeniedException The exception that is thrown when operation permission is denied.
 ShellDataEventArgs Provides data for Shell DataReceived event
 SshAuthenticationException The exception that is thrown when authentication failed.
 SshConnectionException The exception that is thrown when connection was terminated.
 SshException The exception that is thrown when SSH exception occurs.
 SshOperationTimeoutException The exception that is thrown when operation is timed out.
 SshPassPhraseNullOrEmptyException The exception that is thrown when pass phrase for key file is empty or null


 BigInteger Represents an arbitrarily large signed integer.
 ObjectIdentifier Describes object identifier for DER encoding


 TerminalModes Specifies the initial assignments of the opcode values that are used in the 'encoded terminal modes' valu

Abstract Classes

 AsyncResult Base class to encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation.
 AsyncResult`1 Base class to encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation that returns result.
 AuthenticationEventArgs Base class for authentication events.
 SshData Base ssh data serialization type