Relativity.Transfer.Client 7.2.26
The Relativity transfer client .NET package.
<package xmlns="">
<owners>Relativity ODA LLC</owners>
<license type="file">license.txt</license>
<description>The Relativity transfer client .NET package.</description>
<summary>You can use the Transfer API (TAPI) to build application components that connect to a Relativity instance and stream the data into Relativity or RelativityOne from external data sources using different transfer protocols, for example, HTTP, SMB, and Aspera.</summary>
<copyright>Copyright (c) Relativity</copyright>
<tags>Relativity Transfer Client mayapple-0</tags>
<group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.6.2">
<dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="6.0.8" />
<dependency id="Polly" version="5.3.1" />
<dependency id="" version="[2016.0.0]" />