Represents an instance of analytics search. Relativity analytics search enables semantic analysis of large data sets.
The Artifact Type ID of the object for the search (currently only Document is supported).
Concept text for the analytics search.
Dashboard associated with the saved search.
The fields to be included in the search result set specified as a collection of Field objects.
Fuzziness Level
Field identifying documents related to the documents matching the search criteria. The related documents will be included in the result set alongside with the documents that match the search criteria.
Optional field for recording additional information associated with the search as keywords.
Keywords Text
Minimum qualifying score for documents to be included in the results. The score is a value between 0 and 1, for example, 0.6. 1 indicates that the documents are conceptually identical.
Detailed description of the saved search.
User(s) who can access the saved search. Setting the ArtifactID value to 0 enables all users with permissions to the saved search are able to see it.
String parameter used to optimize views. Only use the query hint if instructed by the kCura Client Services team. Currently, you can use Hashjoin:(true/false) or Maxdrop:(x) to populate the field.
RelativityApplications associated with this saved search.
Requires users to rerun a saved search when they return to it to ensure up-to-date results.
The scope of the search specified as a ScopeType enumeration.
SearchContainer of the saved search folder. If no value is specified, the search will be saved at the logical root of the saved search view.
Search Criteria specified as a CriteriaCollection object.
If folders or subfolders are specified as the AnalyticsSearch.
SearchIndex of the analytics index used by the search.
Indicates that the search results must be sort by relevance rank.
Sort order for search results specified as a Sorts object.
ArtifactID of the user who created the saved search.
Date and time in UTC when the saved search was created.
ArtifactID of the user who last modified the saved search.
Date and time in UTC when the search was last modified.
public AnalyticsSearch()
AnalyticsSearch constructor.