<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Services.DataContracts.SDK" Version="13.6.2" />


public class BatchInfo
Contract that contains the available batch status data.
public int? AssignedToUserID { get; set; }

User ID to which batch is assigned to.

public int BatchID { get; set; }

Batch artifact ID.

public string BatchName { get; set; }

Batch name.

public BatchStatus BatchSatus { get; set; }

Batch status converted from StatusCodeArtifactID to static value.

public bool CanCheckin { get; set; }

True if user can checkin batch false otherwise. Checking can be done as "pending" or "complete".

public bool CanCheckoutForOtherUser { get; set; }

True if user can checkout batch for other user false otherwise.

public bool CanCheckoutToSelf { get; set; }

True if user can checkout batch for self false otherwise.

public bool CanReassignToOtherUser { get; set; }

True if user can reassign batch to other user. False otherwise.

public bool CanReassignToSelf { get; set; }

True if user can reassign batch to self. False otherwise.

public bool HasUserCheckedOutOtherBatch { get; set; }

True if user has checked out other batch. False otherwise.

public BatchInfo()