<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Services.DataContracts.SDK" Version="13.2.8" />


public class ArtifactFieldNames
The string names of fields used on dynamic artifacts.
public const string Keywords = "Keywords"


public const string Notes = "Notes"


public const string SystemCreatedBy = "System Created By"

Identifies the User who created the Artifact. This property is available on the Fields property of the Artifact.

public const string SystemCreatedOn = "System Created On"

Represents the DateTime in UTC when the Artifact was created. This property is available on the Fields property of the Artifact.

public const string SystemLastModifiedBy = "System Last Modified By"

Identifies the User who last modified the Artifact. This property is available in the Fields property of the Artifact.

public const string SystemLastModifiedOn = "System Last Modified On"

Represents the DateTime in UTC when the Artifact was last modified. This property is available on the Fields property of the Artifact.

public const string TextIdentifier = "Relativity Text Identifier"

Indicates the value of the IdentifierFieldName field available in Fields property of the Artifact. This field may also be available as a Name property for many Artifacts.