<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="14.2.7" />


public abstract class RobustIoReporter

Represents an exceptional failure attempting to retrieve file information.

public class IoWarningEventArgs

Represents the arguments of an IOWarningEvent.

protected static bool _disableNativeLocationValidation

protected abstract int CurrentLineNumber { get; }

Gets the current line of the file being imported.

protected virtual int NumberOfRetries { get; }

Gets the number of retries should a read operation fail.

protected virtual int WaitTimeBetweenRetryAttempts { get; }

Gets the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before retrying a failed read operation.

Raises an IO warning event.

protected RobustIoReporter()

public long GetFileLength(string filename)

Gets the length of the specified file, in bytes.

protected virtual void RaiseIoWarning(IoWarningEventArgs e)

Raises an IOWarningEvent.