<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Utility.SDK" Version="14.2.7" />


public class DataViewBaseHelper
Provides static method for transforming DataViewBases to various list representations.

public static string DataViewBaseToArrayCSV(DataViewBase dataViewBase, string fieldName)

Transforms the provided field column to CSV.

public static ArrayList DataViewBaseToArrayList(DataViewBase dataViewBase, string fieldName)

Transforms the provided field column to an array list.

public static int[] DataViewBaseToInt32Array(DataViewBase dataViewBase, string fieldName)

Transforms the provided field column to an array of integers.

public static List<int> DataViewBaseToInt32List(DataViewBase dataViewBase, string fieldName)

Transforms the provided field column to a list of integers.

public static string[] DataViewBaseToStringArray(DataViewBase dataViewBase, string fieldName)

Transforms the provided field column to an array of strings.