<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Telemetry.APM.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public CounterMeasure(Metadata metadata, IEnumerable<ISink> sinks, string unitOfMeasure, INonExecutingTaskScheduler taskScheduler, bool directWrite = false, int resolution = 1, Func<bool> killSwitch = null)

Initializes a new instance of the CounterMeasure class.

public virtual void Decrement()

Decrements the counter.

public virtual void Decrement(long decrementBy)

Decrements the counter by the provided value.

public virtual void Increment()

Increments the counter.

public virtual void Increment(long incrementBy)

Increments the counter by the provided value.

public virtual long Iteration()

Retrieves the current iteration

public virtual void Reset()

Resets the counter back to zero.

public virtual long Value()

Retrieves the current value.

public virtual void Write()

Sends the counter value to all sinks.