<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Telemetry.APM.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public class EWMA
An exponentially-weighted moving average
public EWMA(double alpha, long interval, TimeUnit intervalUnit)

Create a new EWMA with a specific smoothing constant.

public static EWMA FifteenMinuteEWMA()

Creates a new EWMA which is equivalent to the UNIX fifteen minute load average and which expects to be ticked every 5 seconds.

public static EWMA FiveMinuteEWMA()

Creates a new EWMA which is equivalent to the UNIX five minute load average and which expects to be ticked every 5 seconds.

public static EWMA OneMinuteEWMA()

Creates a new EWMA which is equivalent to the UNIX one minute load average and which expects to be ticked every 5 seconds.

public double Rate(TimeUnit rateUnit)

Returns the rate in the given units of time.

public void Tick()

Mark the passage of time and decay the current rate accordingly.

public void Update(long n)

Update the moving average with a new value.