<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Telemetry.APM.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


Represents a self-healing APM sink that relies on a retryable delegate to retrieve a concrete sink.

If the delegate fails, a NullSink will be used; once the delegate succeeds, the concrete sink will be used.

public long MessageCount { get; }

Retrieves the message count from the backing sink.

public SelfHealingSink(Func<IHealthySink> sinkDelegate)

Initializes a new instance of SelfHealingSink, using the provided delegate to retrieve a concrete sink implementation.

public void Dispose()

Disposes the backing sink.

public void Send(TimerResult timer)

Sends a timer result to the backing sink.

public void Send(MeterResult meter)

Sends a meter result to the backing sink.

public void Send(HealthCheckResult health)

Sends a health-check result to the backing sink.

public void Send(CounterResult counter)

Sends a counter result to the backing sink.

public void Send<T>(GaugeResult<T> gauge)

Sends a gauge result to the backing sink.