<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Services.DataContracts.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public abstract class SearchFieldNames : ArtifactFieldNames
public const string ArtifactTypeID = "ArtifactTypeID"

Identifies the Artifact Type ID of the object for the search (currently only Document).

public const string Includes = "ViewByFamily"

Field identifying documents related to the documents matching the search criteria. The related documents will be included in the result set alongside with the documents that match the search criteria.

public const string Name = "Name"

Identifies the Name of the object.

public const string Owner = "ObjectOwner"

User(s) who can access the saved search.

public const string QueryHint = "QueryHint"

String parameter used to optimize views.

public const string RelativityApplication = "RelativityApplication"

String parameter used to optimize views.

public const string RequiresManualRun = "IsManualRun"

If folders or subfolders are specified as the KeywordSearch.

public const string Scope = "QueryType"

The scope of the search specified as a ScopeType enumeration.

public const string SearchContainer = "ParentArtifactID"

SearchContainer of the saved search folder.

public const string SearchFolders = "SearchFolders"

If folders or subfolders are specified as the KeywordSearch.

public const string SortByRank = "SortByRank"

String parameter used to optimize views.

protected SearchFieldNames()