<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Productions.SDK" Version="12.3.0" />


The interface enables interaction with Relativity Production Data Sources.
Task<int> CreateSingleAsync(int workspaceID, int productionID, ProductionDataSource dataSource)

Creates a production datasource in the workspace.

Task DeleteSingleAsync(int workspaceID, int dataSourceID)

Deletes a production datasource in the workspace.

Retrieves default field values for a Production Data Source object.

Task<ProductionDataSource> ReadSingleAsync(int workspaceID, int dataSourceID, bool withPlaceholderImage = false)

Returns an instance of a ProductionDataSource.

Task UpdateSingleAsync(int workspaceID, int productionID, ProductionDataSource dataSource)

Updates a production datasource in the workspace.