public class RelativityObject : IHasArtifactID, IHasIdentifyingInformation, IHasGuids, IHasName, IRelativityObject
Represents an object in Relativity.
Gets or sets the Artifact ID of the current object.
Gets or sets a list of fields and their values on the object.
Gets or sets the GUIDs for the current object.
Gets the FieldValuePair on the object with the specified Artifact ID.
Gets the FieldValuePair on the object with the specified field name.
Gets the FieldValuePair on the object with the specified GUID.
Gets or sets the user-friendly name of the object.
Gets or sets the Artifact ID of the parent of the current object.
public RelativityObject()
Checks if this object contains a FieldValuePair with specified Artifact ID.
Checks if this object contains a FieldValuePair with specified field name (case-insensitive).
Checks if this object contains a FieldValuePair with specified GUID.